So I really like this linky! I must because I've been able to keep it up every week! If you want to show the awesomeness that is on your phone this week go and link up with Jessica at The Lowe Family News HERE! If you don't want to link up your lame phone pics you must still go and check out what everyone else deems worthy of capturing on their phones!
These are the precious memories I captured on mine!
Last Wednesday we gathered at Rochele's house to stuff stockings to send to Kuwait. Dave her husband was deployed there right after school started. The girls had lots of fun putting the stockings together and they even got to talk to him on skype! If you have a chance during this busy holiday season thank of our troops that are away from their family's and send them a care package. I'm sure that it would brighten their day a little!
Brinley shopping for the goods!
Mommies hard at work setting up the assembly line!
Miss Liz cutting tags! * This women is Super Woman by the way! She had just had surgery the week before.
The girls stuffing the stockings!
The cat wanted to be shipped to Kuwait too!
The girls showing off their work!
On Thanksgiving Aaron set out to find an open donut store! This is what he came back with! * I think that the bunnies are a little creepy.
Maddy and her Daddy!
That's all for this week. I apologize for the poor quality. I'm not sure what was up with the phone last week. It may have just been operator error! No go checkout Jessica! She's hilarious!
DIY Acrylic Glitter Christmas Ornament
1 week ago