First up we have pics of some goodies that I received in the mail from my gift swap partner Bonnie. She's living in Germany at the moment so I got some fun stuff! The swap was put on by this lovely lady!

I managed to organize the playroom before Christmas! That was a huge project. Wish I had taken before pictures.

Christmas day was interesting this year. We spent the day together just the 5 of us. We didn't even get out of our pj's! These are of the girls Christmas morning opening their gifts!

The boys taking a nap after a long Christmas day!

Big sis got to go to grandma's for a couple of days so little sisters got to cuddle up and eat ice cream!

The twins got iPod touches for Christmas! I'm pretty sure that they don't like them.

Our dog is the weirdest dog in the world! He laid flat on his back like this for at least 10 minutes!

Caught the hubby playing guitar before went out for New Years Eve! He rarely gets a chance to play these days. Hopefully he can make more time for it this year.

One of our New Years Eve activities this year was playing washers! We were also told of a game similar to it called corn hole. I am so glad that is not what we were playing.

Lastly we have a pic of me and my sweet Brinley! The quality is really bad. I've noticed that the iPhone takes much better pics outdoors!

Now its your turn! Don't forget to link up with Jessica!