Friday, August 27, 2010

Day Five and Brinley's Birthday!

Today is my oldest child Brinley's birthday! At 2:08 pm 7 years ago she turned my life upside down and I wouldn't change it for anything! She was a very difficult baby but has turned into a great kid! I love her so very much.

(She got an iTouch! So Exciting! :)

Here are some pics from the past!

This morning went much better! The girl's have had a long first week of school and I think that they are worn out! We are looking forward to Brinley's slumber party tomorrow! It's gonna be crazy with 16 little girls! :P

Here are this morning's pic's!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day Four!

So today wasn't the greatest! The girls were sleepy and didn't want to wake up. Then it took us longer to get ready for some reason and we were running late! Maddy was yawning at breakfast and said that she didn't want to go to school. I convinced her to go by bribing her with Hershey's kisses! I still wanted my pics so I lined them up and Maddy wanted to be in the middle! Brinley wasn't having that, so there was fighting! I told Brinley to let Maddy in the middle then the crying began...

I finally got my pics and off we went to school! When we got there Maddy refused to get out so I had to park and walk her in. Then she didn't want to go into her class and cried and cried which in turn made me cry. I had to leave her crying and the school counselor assured me that she would be fine and that she would call me with an update later.

When I got home I went to upload my pics only to find that I had forgotten to put the memory card back in! So all of the fighting and crying was for nothing!!!

I did get 2 calls and an email stating that Maddy was doing just fine! What a relief and what a wonderful school! Have I mentioned how much I love their school? It's awesome!

I also got to have lunch with one of my BFF's and SIL Sam! It was so nice chatting and eating lunch without interruptions! I LOVE that the girls are all in school! :)

After lunch I picked the kiddo's up and found out that they all had a fabulous day at school. We went to Sonic for treats and then came home and redid our pics! You can check them out below!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day Three!

Okay so yesterday was interesting. I thought for sure that the girls would have another great day because it started out great! For Brinley and Gibby it was great! For Maddy not so much. :( Apparently she got in trouble at school for running away when they were switching classes. She told me that she wanted me. I will find out tomorrow in Thursday folder what actually happened. I pray that this will not be the start of what's to come for Maddy this year. I really don't think that I can take it.

This morning seems promising! Maddy was told that if she is good at school today she can paint when she gets home! Fingers crossed that this works!

Here are the before school pics from this morning!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day Two!

The girls are still really excited about school! They woke up all by themselves at 6:30 this morning. They had already picked out their school clothes for today last night. They are really loving that part.

We sat down for breakfast and I told them that I would be walking them into school again today. Brinley immediately said "I already know were I'm going Mom!". So I told her that I just needed to make sure that the twins could find their classrooms. Then she said "I don't need you to take me to my class!".

The girls got dressed and made their own lunches! Another thing that they enjoy doing on their own. (With my supervision of course!)Then on to day 2 pictures! I've decided to document every school day with photos this year to see how much they change by the end of the year. Here are the pics from this morning!

Still Excited!

Maybe by the end of the year she'll have a more natural smile and be able to keep her eyes open!

Her chosen pose for today!

Such a big girl!

When we got to school the twins informed me that they could walk in without me! :( Brinley then said "I'll take them to their classes Momma!" Melt my heart. She is so grown up this year! So I let them hop out and go in on their own. I wish that I had my camera with me because they walked into school hand in hand. So sweet! I love it when they show that they care about each other! I hope that the rest of the day is just as great for them!

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School!

My baby's started kindergarten today and Brinley started 2nd grade! I am very excited for them and for me! However, I am a little sad to see them go. It's a huge reminder that they are growing up way to fast and they will need me less and less! :(

They started bright and early! I was smart and got their breakfast requests the night before!

We had to have our tradition first day of school front door pictures! Maddy and Brinley really love to pose. Gibby doesn't really know what to do in front of the camera!

Of course we had to get the class room pics! Brinley has decided that it's no longer cool for mom to take pictures in class and this was the best pic I could get while she was shooing me out of the room! Gibby is going through a really long Cheesy Fake Smile phase! Maddy as usually knows just what to do!

All went well! They love their new teachers and are really excited to see old friends and make some new ones! I have lots of plans for my new found freedom! Hopefully I won't get distracted! :)
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