I am so tired today. It may have something to do with having yet another migraine last night and not getting much sleep! This morning was good. The girls got it together quickly because they were promised a peek at the trap that was set up last night to catch the bobcat! No bobcat yet! We'll see if we catch him tonight! We did our usual pictures and Gibby was upset that she didn't get to be in the middle!( You can tell from the picture!) When I dropped the girls off Maddy asked if I would come for lunch and I promised that I would since she's had such a great week! I went to their school and sat with Gibby and Maddy for lunch. A this point Maddy was having another good day! They kissed me and then went to recess! I decided since I was already there I'd wait for Brinley and sit with her for lunch too! She was surprised and happy to see me there! Gotta take advantage of them wanting me around while it lasts! Then I went to set up for book fair! It's amazing what a bunch of women can do in only 2 hours! After that it was time to pick up the kiddos and Maddy looked sad. She started crying and siad that she got in trouble in the afternoon.
I told her that it was okay and that even though I was disappointed about today I was still very proud of the past few days! She is making an apology note for her teacher now. Hopefully she has a better day tomorrow!
Here are our pics from this morning! :)

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